Room Summary
  Location   2nd Floor
  Floor Area   24m2
  Bed Type   Queen or Two Large Singles
  Ensuite   Yes (Shower, Sink, and Toilet)
  Climate Control   Wall Mounted A/C & Heating Unit
  Smoking Policy   Non-Smoking
  High Speed Internet   Free Wi-Fi is available in all of our guest rooms.
  Occupancy   2 to 3 PAX
  Check-in   15:00
  Check-out   10:00
  Breakfast   Included
Room Rates
  Double Occupancy (Two Guests Per Room Per Night) Triple Occupancy (Three Guests Per Room Per Night)
17 DEC - 01 MAR  ¥22,000 ¥28,500
 02 MAR - 31 MAR
25 APR - 10 MAY
01 JULY - 31 AUG
01 DEC - 16 DEC
 ¥19,000 ¥25,500
 All Other Dates  ¥17,000 ¥22,500